Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Family Downsizes To Tiny House

From 2000 Sq. Ft. To 207 Sq. Ft. House

We hear about this more often these days than ever before. A single person, a couple and even a family downsizes their house to tiny and live life in a big way.

Outside Of House I love reading about all the success stories. How people have gone from a life full of problems to happiness and freedom. Or maybe there wasn’t any problems but they just wanted to simplify their life. Either way, the majority of people that make the decision to downsize have found that their life is much improved.

From one of the blogs that I read, I found out about another family of four that has moved from a large house into a very small house. The entire family is loving it.

In their case, they wanted to make life easier and less stressful with the ultimate goal of reducing debt and to make the future for themselves and their kids much better.

Tiny Kitchen Taking a look at the pictures that came with the article, they are making great use of little space. Their house is absolutely lovely.

Loft In this particular case, their kids are school age but need teenagers. I get the impression that even the kids realize how much better their life is now. This is not a surprise to me – the same happened to us.

We started out with a small goal in mind and the decision to go small has snowballed into so much more.

We often get the question or comments about how a family can live in such a small space. I always say that it is a personal decision – one that you have to make for yourself but it is possible if that is what you really want. There are many families that do it and do it successfully.

You have to decide if you can live comfortably in a tiny space.

And if you can live comfortably with three other people in the small place.

The decision to downsize your house to tiny is something that needs to be well thought out and in the best interest of the family.


http://affordablehousingdesigns.com/the-latest/family-downsizes-to-tiny-house/ Joanne

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