Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Affordable Small Homes Workshop

Ready, Set, Go…Build

Designing A House You’ve made the decision, you are going to build a small home for yourself. But you don’t know the first thing about construction. No problem…you can do it. Many people have done it. People with prior construction knowledge and others who had no experience at all.

All you need to do is attend a workshop.

It’s the favorable lifestyle that got your interest. You’ve done all the research and you know it’s right for you. Now to find someone that can teach you the basics to get you started.

No Problem!

These workshops are becoming more and more popular. Because of this you will find them all over the country. Almost every weekend of the year. It’s just a matter of finding the one that will be held in or near your location.

We’ll show you where they are – Affordable Small Homes Workshop

You may or may not already have your design selected.

You may be looking for a builder or you may want to build it yourself . Either way, finding out the basics is important. If you hire a builder, you will want to make sure that you know that all is being done right. If you choose to build it yourself, you want to be sure that you are doing it correctly.

Because of the size of these houses, they are unique and building one is not the same as a traditional home.

First, the decision has to be made whether to build it on a trailer or a solid foundation.

The trailer option means that you will be able to move your house if you choose. To take it with you when you need or want to move; or simply to go on vacation. Imagine how much you can save when you take your home with you.

Once the foundation is decided on, you’ll want to learn about the electrical and plumbing. What materials should you use? Are special tools needed?

Answers to these types of questions are included in these workshops.

In addition most of these events have hands on experience so you can get some practical knowledge.

I would suggest finding a workshop that has a combination of presentations and hands on work. That way you will be exposed to knowledgeable instructors and experienced builders.

Whenever possible, they will have finished and/or partially completed tiny houses on site as examples.

Some questions related to zoning and residential restrictions may be covered as well. This is important as each area has their own interpretation, and rules and regulations on these types of homes.

Some cities and areas are embracing them while others are not as welcoming.

Other topics should include understanding moisture control, ventilation, insulation, and utility systems.

Assistance will be given about furnishing and lightning. Think small; comfortable and cozy, but on a smaller scale.

For the best experience, you should make sure you have your list of questions and concerns written down before you arrive at your scheduled workshop.

A further benefit from these events is that you will meet and interact with people who have built and live in a small home. They will be able to give first-hand knowledge of the life you are planning.

For the best experience, it is suggested that you have a good idea of the tiny house design plan you would like to build.

http://affordablehousingdesigns.com/the-latest/affordable-small-homes-workshop/ Joanne

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