Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Small Home Construction

Women Designing And Building A Small Home

Women in Construction Building things – maybe that’s something you did when you were a kid? Most kids give a try building something at one time or another. Some people go on to creating and building things throughout their life; others give it up.

Fast forward to today. More and more men and women are choosing to build houses.

Here Are Some House Plans and Designs to Start With.

Without any real carpentry skills, building houses may not seem to be realistic. Maybe you don’t think you can, but the dream is still alive.

The truth is that just about anyone can. There is lots of help and education available.

And it is so much less expensive and satisfying when you do it yourself.

I believe that anyone has the ability to help themselves. Many years ago, in the dark ages, it was thought that women couldn’t help themselves.

It was believed they were the weaker sex and needed to be cared for.

That is far so from the truth. These days, women are more self-sufficient than ever before.

This includes building homes.

Enter Hammerstone School of Trumansburg, NY. It is their mission to empower women. They want to accomplish this by giving women the skills “to use their minds and bodies for creative and useful ends”. The school would ultimately like to increase the number of women in the various trades.

One of the skills they offer is carpentry for women from beginning with basic skills and continue to more in-depth classes.

In 2013 a group of thirteen women from Hammerstone School built a tiny house on wheels. These women began with an old travel trailer and used the skills learned to build the home.

While the focus is on women, there are also co-ed classes relating to the small farmer and homesteader – this class is called Carpentry for Farmsteaders.

In addition, there are one on one tutorials available. These sessions can be scheduled at any time and for any length of time, dependent upon the student and instructors schedule.

There are so many possibilities for anyone to learn to design and build a home. Some women prefer to learn from women and network with other women. This school is the perfect solution if that is your preference.

If you are female and you’re itching to build something, why not build something that is a huge benefit to yourself or someone you know? A tiny home is something that is practical, useful, and does good for your life?


http://affordablehousingdesigns.com/the-latest/small-home-construction/ Joanne

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