Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tiny Structures, Math Class, and Giving Back

Three Life Lessons

You may be asking what these three things have to do with each other. Read on…there is a connection.

Tiny Reading House Books were everywhere. Most with colorful covers to invite the curious to pick up and read. One child noticed something that was much more inviting and curiosity took hold.

That child crawled right in, grabbed a book, got comfortable and began reading.

The space was made for children and children have been enjoying the space since it was delivered.

This cozy structure was one of five built by students at Lincoln Junior High School in Bentonville, AR. The eight graders were having a hard time understanding math and working out various problems.

They needed help and their teacher realized something had to be done to help her students. She envisioned a project which would not only help her students but also benefit the community. Her students would use what they were learning in class to complete the project.

The project?

It was the construction of five structures in the shape of tiny houses. Each house was about four feet wide and three feet high.

Three Bentonville community organizations benefited from their project. Two of the structures were donated to the Bella Vista Animal Shelter to be used as dog houses. The other three are being used as reading houses at the Northwest Arkansas Children’s Shelter and the Bentonville Public Library. Children feel safe in these small places, and reading takes them to magical lands.

The children’s librarian says the tiny structure is very popular with children. When the house arrived, children were curious and crawled right in and curled up with a book.

During library hours, the house is rarely empty.

The Lessons.

The construction crew of about sixty eight graders had to use what they were learning in class to build their tiny structures. They had to figure out equations to make all the pieces fit.

As a result, the students learned how math is used in the real world.

The project also gave the crew the motivation and drive to do well and show they understood what math could accomplish.

The students soon realized there was more to math than just a bunch of problems and equations. They learned how to work and communicate with other people, and to work hard to achieve a goal. Many if them said the project was the most fun they’d ever had in math.

Not only did they learn math in a fun and constructive way, they also had to use creativity.

The project left the students with three life lessons. It taught them that math is used in everyday life, they realized that houses don’t have to be big to be comfortable, and they learned that giving back to a community brings joy to the giver and the receiver.


http://affordablehousingdesigns.com/the-latest/tiny-structures-math-class-and-giving-back/ Joanne

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