Friday, May 8, 2015

All Settled In

We Are Back In Our RV

motorhomeWe are all settled back into our RV for the summer. We are spending the next few weeks at our current location, then heading our to our summer destination.

That’s where the exciting part happens. We’ve made a decision.

Let me explain. For the past year or so, we have been going back and forth between two location that we really love, trying to decide which one is best for us. We’ve been staying at our first choice since September 2014 and looking for a place to rent. We haven’t been successful for a number of reasons.

  • Our biggest barrier is that we have three dogs (they are not small dogs – greyhounds). Although they are extremely well-behaved, quiet, friendly, and clean, it is the stigma of a “big dog” that turns renters off.
  • The area we were looking in is very popular due to the fantastic climate. Winters are mild, so many snowbirds come to spend the winter.
  • Summers are hot and dry so it is very popular during the summer.
  • Most of the rentals are seasonal. The few long-term rentals that would allow dogs are not quite to the standards we are looking for.
  • We want a very small house, but they are few and far between here.

So, after months of looking, we have decided to head off to our second choice location which is equally as nice. The climate may not be as ideal but it is still very nice. The biggest differences are:

  • Winters are mild but not as dry as here. The summer months are fabulous.
  • It is a small city instead of a small town.

The added bonus of this choice is that it is near the ocean which means easy access to whale watching, and fishing and crabbing. In addition, the cost of housing is slightly less than here.

We are ready to settle to a more permanent location. It has been almost three years since we started this journey and although we love the freedom, we are ready to put down roots again.

Settling down will also allow me to build up my business. I’ll still work from home, but it will make it easier to form relationships with some local businesses.

That doesn’t mean we will stop traveling completely. We will just take numerous trips throughout the year.

It is very exciting to have finally made a firm decision. We are really looking forward to having a permanent location to call home.

I have always loved house hunting. It’s fun to see various house designs and how get decorating ideas.

We are not going to buy at this time; we are going to rent for a year or so to make sure it is exactly where we want to be.

We’ll be looking for a small house or condo. We decided long ago that a big house is not for us. A big house is too much work, too much expense, and we are quite happy in a little space. After all, we have been living in a very little place for years. Joanne

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