Monday, July 13, 2015

Life Gets In The Way

Update To Our Life Journey

This past month has been very busy and continues to be busy. It’s been quite a few years since we’ve looked for housing. I had forgotten how stressful and time-consuming it is.

That is some of what we’ve been doing for the past month, and it has consumed a good part of our time.

It’s not very easy to find what we want, where we want, for the price we want.

Our RV

Affordable Housing

I’m not sure I’m liking this too much. I’d much rather be settled and comfortable in a house than spending all my time house hunting.

I know it’ll be better once we find the house we want, but waiting and looking is taking it’s toll.

All we really want is a small house. One that won’t cost a fortune to buy, live in, and to maintain. Not so surprisingly, most of the houses on the market are big and expensive. Houses that would take a huge bite out of our lives (time and money). Certainly not what we want.

We’ve considered buying land and building but the cost of land here is expensive because we are near the ocean.

Patience is the key. The perfect place will eventually come along.

Does anyone actually enjoy house hunting?

Sure, it’s exciting once you’ve found the place and everything is settled. It’s everything up to that point that is not-so-exciting.

Hopefully we’ll be back to our regular routine soon… Joanne

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