Monday, July 20, 2015

Tiny Homes For Seniors

Tiny As A Solution For Senior Housing

Independent Senior Housing

Image courtesy of Next Door Housing

The dilemma of housing for aging adults has been an ongoing issue for many years. It’s very difficult find the perfect solution for everyone.

If you choose a retirement home, there is the issue of making sure that the facilities and care are at a good standard. We’ve all heard the nightmare stories.

That’s not to say that they are all the same; there are good retirement homes, and then there are some that are not so good.

How do you know you’ve chosen the right one?

In addition, with the aging population, lack of senior housing is becoming an issue.

A Good Solution

Building and living in a tiny home has been a good solution for some people, but unfortunately most of the plans and designs for this type of housing include a loft bedroom or two. The problem with this is as people get older, climbing stairs and ladders becomes more difficult.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have your parent(s) living very close? With the suitable home design, they could live in a home where they are able to keep their independence yet be close enough that you can help when needed. I would have loved to have had that solution for my parents…

There is a company in Minnesota that put some thought into the senior housing market and combined the very small housing idea with seniors in mind. They’ve come up with a design that is senior friendly and great for people with disabilities. The homes they design and build are also wheelchair accessible.

These houses can be placed in a yard, in a driveway, in a laneway, or on a street – just about anywhere that regional legalities permit.

They’ve thought of everything from water to utilities, making the house self-sufficient.

You can read all about them here.

Business is booming.

As a testament of the need and popularity of this type of housing, their business has “taken off”. They can’t build the houses fast enough to keep up with the demand.

A tiny house specific for the aging population or for someone with a disability that limits mobility, is exactly what is needed. I applaud the company for coming up with a great solution to an ongoing problem. All that’s left is for more of the municipalities to catch up with their rules and regulations. Joanne

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